Two Tyre’s Design was approached by Meadowlard Farms because they had a problem and needed a solution. Their farmland was no longer profitable and they needed to create a new identity that would allow them to continue as a business. Two Tyre’s, having ties to the local soccer community, instantly came up with the idea to turn the unprofitable fields into a multi-field soccer complex. The complex would not only serve the community, but would allow a local farm to continue operations.
Using an aerial site of the farm, Two Tyres was able to develop the plan for the soccer complex, taking into account existing elevations, local roads and site lines. Once the initial plan was created, it was further developed to incorporate the owner’s ideas into the overall plan for the complex.
Once the complex ideas were finalized, illustrations were next. Still renderings were created from the 3-D model showing the final project. Aerial as well as road view renderings were used by Meadowlard to present to the township for approval.